Each Lozenge contains four drops of RESCUE REMEDY What is RESCUE REMEDY? RESCUE REMEDY is a combination of five individual flower essences for emotional wellbeing and care for everyday life. RESCUE REMEDY has been used by generations and take comfort that a RESCUE product is by your side when the need to get the most from their busy day. Keep cool, calm and collected with RESCUE Remedy by your side. There are a range of RESCUE products to keep on top of your day. From original droppers and sprays to liquid melts and pastilles which are particularly handy in your bag or at your desk. The History of RESCUE The RESCUE formulation and the system of 38 Bach Flower Essences were developed by Dr Edward Bach, in the 1920s and 30s for emotional wellbeing and care for everyday life. Dr Bach believed that attitude and mental state play a vital role in maintaining health and from 1930 he identified 38 negative states of mind and a corresponding flower or plant essence for each one. Wanting to make his essences more available to the general public in the 1930s Dr Bach enlisted the help of the Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy in Duke St, London. Under his guidance they began to make and sell the essences he supplied them. In 1990 this relationship was formalised and since then Nelsons (the Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy’s parent company) has been responsible for bottling and distributing RESCUE REMEDY. Today Nelsons produce millions of bottles with the of RESCUE REMEDY formulation each year in Wimbledon, London and they are sold around the world. For information on the Bach Centre, the RESCUE brand history and to visit the home of Dr Bach go to www.bachremedies.com
In each Lozenge there are: 4 RESCUE drops, 25% RI of Vitamins B12 and B5
Vegan Friendly
10 Lozenges Per Pack
Specification: Rescue Plus Lozenge 10
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